- Full Name: Stephanie Pelletier
- Job Title: Accounts Payable/CSR
- Relevant Experience: Previously I worked as a recruiting manager for a staffing and recruiting company and before that a supervisor at Starbucks! I’ve worked with a lot of different people and really enjoy helping them achieve their goals!
- Area of Expertise: As a recruiter, I specialized in manufacturing roles, so I learned about a lot of different skills and tools, and have seen a lot of cool machines, all of which helped me place applicants in the perfect role for them!
- Passion or Goal: I love traveling, I’ve been to 14 countries!
Fun Questions:
- Share an interesting or unusual hobby or talent you have outside of work? I like to do projects around the house, recently I built a bookshelf and dog kennel!
- What’s your spirit animal, and why do you think it represents you? Probably a narwhal, they are mysterious and hard to find!
- What’s your favorite quote or mantra that keeps you motivated? Be curious, not judgmental!