New Employee Bio Template:

  • Full Name: Cash Boulch
  • Job Title: HVAC Maintenance Technician
  • Relevant Experience: Graduated from Charter College. Previous years of work experience with HVAC install and as an HVAC technician, prior to coming to work at Renaud.
  • Passion or Goal: My goal is to keep my family happy and bring food to the table.


Fun Questions:

  • What was the first job you ever had? On the weekends I would travel to Washington State with my grandparents and help sell gun holsters and parts.
  • If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three items, what would they be? A volleyball, a fedex package, and some toilet paper.
  • Share an interesting or unusual hobby or talent you have outside of work? I tattoo!
  • What’s your favorite quote or mantra that keeps you motivated? “I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller…”