Some new rebates for programmable thermostats and ductless heat pumps have started this spring. What a great way to upgrade your system or your home.
Bonneville Power Administration is offering a rebate through local PUDs and Energy Trust of Oregon for residential smart thermostats beginning April 1, 2017. Several PUDs are rolling out these rebates over the next few months. Clark PUD began offering rebates for thermostat upgrades April 1. Cowlitz PUD will begin offering the rebate May 1.
Here are main requirements:
- 7 day programmable or learning –based scheduling
- Wi-Fi enabled, with remote access
- Occupancy detection (e.g., motion sensor, geo-locating) which results in automatic HVAC reduction when home is unoccupied
- Independent of manufacturer evaluations(s)
- Must have heat pump auxiliary heat control and optimization
Currently two thermostats meet these requirements, the Nest and the Ecobee3 by Ecobee (Ecobee3 Lite does not qualify).
We carry the NEST thermostat and our techs have this leading edge technology in their vans ready to install.
Nest Learning Thermostat Programs itself. Then pays for itself.
Nest learns the temperature you like when you’re home. And turns itself down when you’re away. It controls half your energy bill – more than appliances, more than electronics.
It automatically adjusts the temperature after you leave. So you don’t heat or cool an empty home.
Remote control.
Change the temperature from anywhere using your smartphone, tablet or laptop.
Energy History.
Know more, save more. Check your Energy History on your phone to see how much energy you use and why.
Hello, Leaf.
Know you’re saving energy. Look for the Nest Leaf when you change the temperature.
Auto Schedule.
Just turn it up and down. It learns the temperatures you like and programs itself.
Nest learns how your home warms up and keeps an eye on the weather to get you the temperature you want when you want it.
From NEST Brochure - In independent studies, the Nest Thermostat saved about 10-12% on heating bills and 15% on cooling bills. Nest has estimated average savings of $131 to $145 a year.
Lewis County PUD Raises Ductless Heat Pump Rebates
On April 17th 2017 Lewis County PUD raised their rebates for ductless heat pumps. In the past the rebates were $800.00. Now with a grant from the Centralia Coal
Transition Grants Weatherization Board the PUD is offering a $2500.00 rebate on ductless heat pumps. There is also a $5000.00 rebate for low income families. This low income status is determined by total household income. Renaud Electric Heating & Cooling can assist you with determining your eligibility for these generous rebates from Lewis County PUD.