• Full Name: Skyler Horton (Skyler is spelled with an E)
  • Job Title: Generator operations manager
  • Relevant Experience: Briefly explain prior experience, including years or key skills.
    • I have been in the electrical and HVAC field since I was 16 years old. Accumulating 15 years of experience to date.
    • I have a washing, Oregon, and Kentucky journeyman license. I’m licensed for residential and commercial.
    • I graduated with a 4-year electrical apprenticeship program
    • I attended 3 years of HVAC apprenticeship school
    • I have an EPA refrigeration license
    • If you can dream it, I can install it
  • Area of Expertise: Highlight specific area of focus within role.
    • My focus at Renaud is to provide a premium energy and comfort experience to our clients. Offering high performance and value from initial consultation through installation and service.
    • As the generator installation manager my goal is to ensure Renaud is the best business to deal with in our area. Whether it’s hiring our services, being employed here, or our involvement in our community, improving people’s quality of life through their experience with us is the most important thing about my job.
  • Passion or Goal:
    • I’m passionate about everything I do, I love my job, I love my family, and I love my motorcycles.


Fun Questions:

  • What was the first job you ever had?
    • I shoveled horse manure out of the horse barn in my neighborhood
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
    • I would like the ability to see the future. This would pay off in so many ways.
  • If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three items, what would they be?
    • A lawn chair
    • A beach umbrella
    • Rum
  • Share an interesting or unusual hobby or talent you have outside of work?
    • I have the strange ability to break things without trying. If its breakable, consider it broke.
  • What’s your spirit animal, and why do you think it represents you?
    • My spirit animal has got to be a squirl. I spend most my time looking for things I just set down.
  • What’s your favorite quote or mantra that keeps you motivated?
    • If you mean it, you will make it.